Saturday, October 20, 2007

Saturday, October 20, 2007 - Sparse Pickings

There is a story from Queensland that looks more like a press release than a report. It states that "QUEENSLANDERS are leading reporters of unidentified flying objects" as opposed to the rest of the country, which would be New Zealand. And there are some details about the kinds of reports, but nothing new. There is a photo of one of those dummy aliens made of rubber that looks like it has been through a bad time, but that is just to get your interest.

Queensland invaded by UFOs story

And in the same vein, a report in a larger article in the San Francisco Sentinel about sitings up in Manitoba, another hot spot. There is a story of a guy who last month reported "saw a light in the northern sky" being scared and jumping in his car after seeing the light land. So the guy reports to the Manitoba Ufology Research organization, who tells the story to the reporter at the Sentinel. And we are telling you - so is that a fourth hand story? And why would a moving light or floating disk (did we mention humming sound) make the guy run for it? Reports are up, people are more "aware of their surroundings" says the Manitoba Ufology interviewee. A dull day for news, since there are a couple of You-Tube Videos to pass the time as well, one of a pair of hands playing patriotic (Canadian?) music, that right "O Canada" played reverentially and then some ragtime version. We checked - no flying saucers, no UFOs, just somebody's living room and a piano.

San Francisco Sentinel Article

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