Friday, October 19, 2007

From Nakhchivan, an autonomous republic between Azerbaijan and Iran. Villagers report a sighting. Of course, there is probably a lot of aerial activity this week with all of the military maneuvers going on on the Iraqi border with Turkey, but this is a little off the beaten path for that if you look at the map of Nakhchivan on Wikipedia, but you could speculate that it might be some kind of surveillance from some earthly source in one of the adjoining states. Article is accompanied by small photo, which appears to be a stock photo and is unattributed:

Link to Ufo Nakhchivan Story

Here is an old Australian Story from October 3 about a UFO later identified as a meteor that got people excited:

Link to Meteor Story

Presumably news is slowing down in the Northern Hemisphere as people go indoors and maybe is perking up in the Southern Hemisphere as the seasons change from Sprint to Summer.

Here is some fresher news about an Albany, Oregon couple having a smoke and seeing a pair of UFOs that eventually split up and went in opposite directions. They reported it to the National UFO Reporting Center. There are also some sarcastic retorts in the feedback that follows the article by some presumably local residents.

Statesman-Journal Article

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