Thursday, October 25, 2007

A Second UFO Story from the U. K.

A sighting in Shoreham and Southwick, England, up the road on the coast near Brighton in Sussex in the Southern part of England - 5 green and red lights in the shape of "an inverted tick", which we will tentatively interpret for Americans as an upside down check mark. It was an individual sighting with some corroboration by relatives who saw the lights while driving. They discounted nearby aviation lights and possible fireworks that were also in the vicinity. No accompanying pictures. Observation was October 20th, 6:40 PM, reported today, the 25th of October.

There is a short article that features a You-Tube video on a Haitian sighting, but no real description or analysis - just a kind of skeptical, but we're not sure about this kind of phenomena from WMAR-TV and ABC affiliate in Maryland. The video cannot be shown here because of a user request, but it shows a couple of craft flying over palm trees, and with 800,000 plus views has obviously been around for a while and has already been dissected on-line. It does make for entertaining viewing.

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