Sunday, October 28, 2007

No UFO sightings - Just UFO related stories

The National UFO center has moved. It files reports called in via telephone, and has a database of information going back years:

National UFO Reporting Center

It has moved into an old missile silo as outlined in this article:

Missile Silo Story from Jackson Hole Star-Tribune

It would seem that News of the Paranormal is driving out stories about UFOs. The - Halloween Ghost Stories are popping up all over the cable channels - we won't select one - there are too many - just turn on the TV and be bombarded by the stories of ectoplasm and visitations. There must be viewers, and in fact Sci-Fi has the 13 days of Halloween which features a whole series of fictional treatments of things ethereal.

Are there such things as ghostly UFOs? We will do the research. Google turns up little in that category, because this is an intersection of two popular topics, which are related by interest, grouped into the paranormal, but are seemingly somewhat separate. Ghosts are more intuitive - having to do with the past, the idea of a restless spirit, while the UFO phenomena is more scientific and technical, and has a more recent history - starting officially in 1947 with the sightings in Washington. Of course, history is being rewritten all the time.

Here is what one blogger described as a "ghostly UFO" which we present from the Wikipedia entry:

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