Sunday, January 18, 2009

Giant Pink Jellyfish Flies Over London!

And apparently only one person reported it.

This certainly is a most creative UFO sighting from Merton, UK on January 9th in the form of a pink jellyfish. The article has an artist's rendition of the sight hovering over the Wimbledon Theatre. The map shows that it is close to the tennis match area known round the world. But the article seems to be based on a single observation, perhaps a phone interview. And it brings up an older story that has been causing a stir about a wind turbine being damaged in the vicinity.

There does not seem to be a connection, but that does not seem to be a bar to re-reporting a now-days-old sighting. And you would think that in a densely populated part of Greater London, as the map shows, there would be more observers of such an unusual object. Where were the cell phone photos? Was everyone a little stupefied? The person involved could not find his cell phone in time. It sounds like more than a lights-in-the-sky story, but unfortunately, all we have is a brief description by a "visitor" to the Guardian UK website:

"I looked out my flat window this morning, over towards Merton way, and to my surprise notice a large bright pink jelly-fish looking object surrounded by a pink haze. It appeared to be hovering over or above the pylons in the distance."

The part about the pylons (power lines) is a little intriguing, perhaps the jellyfish creature needed to recharge. But the reportage is nothing more than a cursory repetition of an unknown person's observation. The English papers obviously are busy reporting UFO stories at a fast clip, more than this time last year.

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