Saturday, January 12, 2008

Another U. K. Sighting from December 23

The source of the photo in the Wrexham Evening Leader is an eight year-old. And it is hard to even make out what the photo is - a yellow dot on a blurred gray background. The article mentions an orange light. Sometimes with this type of story, the fact that it is reported in the press is significant, even if the material presented is pretty speculative. The girl, Demi-Lee was "excited" when her mother had read about the other Wrexham area sightings. So she got her camera and showed her mother the picture. There is not enough context in the article or the photo to even know what the picture was - the ground, the sky or something else. But it is part of an ongoing phenomena in the area. So it is of interest from that point of view. People are reporting what they are seeing and are watching the skies.

Mold, United Kingdom photo of something

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