Monday, January 14, 2008

Some Texas UFO news

Great Britain has been getting the lion's share of sightings the last couple of month's. Here is a story from ABC television affiliate - KLTV in Tyler Texas. A viewer saw "flat, metallic object hovering about 300 feet over a pasture". He said he had been teased by his friends. He had not reported the incident till he saw some similar sightings in a local newspaper the Stephenville Empire-Tribune. Tyler is about half way between Dallas, Texas and Shreveport, Louisiana in East Texas. The actual sighting was in Stephenville Texas, which is a short distance from Dallas.

Here is the TV stations on-line story: Link to KLTV web page

And this is probably the article that got the story going: Empire-Tribune Story

And finally covering the same ground an AP story with some more details and comments by local officials and the fact that one observer used the a rifle scope to view the object:

AP News Story about Stephenville sighting

And for our international readers the location in Texas, United States where the sightings took place:

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Sunday, January 13, 2008

Albany UFO - Rod Shaped Aerial Shot

The rods photographed in some video footage have been around since the advent of the digital video camera. There is speculation that they are bugs or birds that get caught in the zone in between the focal distances of close and far away. The automatic focusing mechanisms, using this explanation confuse small objects that are close to the camera, and give them the aspect of a large blurry object at a distance.

The other theory is much wilder, and seems to have a broad emotional appeal based on setting up a logical sequence of ideas. Very often these objects are transient, they are not actually seen until later on. On January 9th the History Channel, a cable show was broadcast "Creatures From The Fourth Dimension" about these objects known colloquially as "rods". The broadcast was part of the "Monster Quest" series and documents a number of sighting of these supposed "creatures". Some other people think they are unknown life forms or even some kind of minuscule weapon that has built in stealth capabilities to keep it out of sight.

We saw a West Coast news show about eight years ago that featured a small boy under a tree with one of these things buzzing around, which was caught on home video, which when played in slow motion, showed one of the rods moving around. And the news broadcasters were completely clueless. The arc of the flight of the thing could have been some kind of bee or large fly from the looks of the video since all the action took place under the tree's leaf canopy, not in open space. The object was only visible at slow motion speeds in a frame by frame view.

We did not watch the entire History channel broadcast, but this article indcates that the video in the link was part of the show. The link below to Kansas/Albany UFO story on video was presumably part of a mainstream NBC affiliate broadcast on KSN TV, where one of the station staffers caught something unusual while shooting on a video while tracking the passing of a passenger jet. The most interesting thing is that he was questioned by both local police and government agents about the tape, and he says he was subjected to a polygraph test. For our British Isles and our other international visitors, we will provide a map of where the video was shot:

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Saturday, January 12, 2008

Another U. K. Sighting from December 23

The source of the photo in the Wrexham Evening Leader is an eight year-old. And it is hard to even make out what the photo is - a yellow dot on a blurred gray background. The article mentions an orange light. Sometimes with this type of story, the fact that it is reported in the press is significant, even if the material presented is pretty speculative. The girl, Demi-Lee was "excited" when her mother had read about the other Wrexham area sightings. So she got her camera and showed her mother the picture. There is not enough context in the article or the photo to even know what the picture was - the ground, the sky or something else. But it is part of an ongoing phenomena in the area. So it is of interest from that point of view. People are reporting what they are seeing and are watching the skies.

Mold, United Kingdom photo of something

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Thursday, January 10, 2008

Wrexham, U.K. Evening Leader News Compilation

The Wrexham Evening Leader compiled a list of early January sightings. The journalists are trying to sort out what is going on. Lots of activity and lots of sightings. Mostly lights in the sky at night. People are curious, perplexed, and expressed disbelief at what they saw.

A January Sighting

The British Isles are still a hotspot for UFO activity. The link has a photo of a classic UFO, but the photo taker did not see it when he took the picture. It is blurry, one of a host of blurry photos that seem to be characteristic. They always seem to be on the edge of visibility. It has a metallic sheen. Here is the link to the story from Cornwall in the Sun newspaper:

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