Friday, December 14, 2007

Bolton, U.K. UFO Triangle

Another in a series of United Kingdom sightings - see previous blogs for details. The others were centered around Birmingham. This sighting is Northwest of Birmingham, closer to Manchester. The online paper has 16 comments, and unlike their Southern counterparts who commented that they had seen it as well, the commenters on this article are much more skeptical and sarcastic - chalking it up to possible intoxication or political snipes at the local city government.

Recent Sighting In U.K. in the Bolton News

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Anonymous said...

Hi !
You seem to have ignored the huge ammount of sightings here on the south coast.Triangles orbs , diamonds etc

I have 500 photos taken since August 2007 and 20 videos. Luckily other people have reported the sightings even calling out the RAF.
Please look at my photos & then look at my videos. You can view info on each video on the video page .

Here are other peoples reports.;topicseen
ArcturianKontakt »

Harr said...

Thanks for the comment. We are not ignoring, but rather not finding the information. The U. S. News is flooded with Presidential candidate Kucinich's sighting from years ago which made other UFO news sort of spike, but also made it harder to track stories in general. And add in Shirley MacLaine's original observation and the TV pundit Larry King's interview of her, and there appears to be a lot of speculation from people. And that sort of drowns out the sightings news with a kind of secondary speculation news from celebrities.

Anonymous said...

There more sightings now ! However an angry fake not fake hoax fraud argument seems to have broken out over the John Walson videos on

Harr said...

There certainly are a host of sightings in the U. K. - but most of them are reports, not pictures. I posted one link to a picture in Cornwall, but the photographer did not even see the object till later when he looked at the picture in more detail.

ufo news said...

The iconic pictures of the UFO were shots from Life Magazine, or even a local newspaper or the AP or UPI news services. There was a certain professionalism in the reporting, and definite skepticism often appeared, though practically speaking, the news outlets would not let doubt supersede a good story that would generate circulation.

Anonymous said...

If you wanna get the chance to see a UFO in Bolton, You better book for cheap hotel in bolton now.

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