Monday, December 31, 2007

Another U. K. Sighting On Christmas Day

The UFOs don't take holidays. Here is a report of a series of orange balls that revolved and moved at a high rate of speed. We thought there would be a drop-off in the sightings as the holidays meant more indoor activity and less scanning of the skies. The Map shows the street location, zoom out using the +/- tool to see its general geographic position in the UK

View Larger Map Here is the link from the Evening Leader:

Story of Orange Balls On Christmas

Sunday, December 30, 2007

It's Floating and Its Unidentified - As of this writiing

Here is a large container found on the beach termed a "mystery container" with some numbered markings. It is huge. No one seems to know what it is, speculation is that it fell off a ship, and is some kind of silo. And the news changes so quickly, we thought we would put up a link to the anomalous object to keep readers informed.

Update: Actually, we are double-checking, and there is another article update with some who are already claiming in a more recent BBC posting that it is a fermentation tank used in the brewing of beer. The map shows a portion of Scotland in the northern part of the UK.

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Thursday, December 27, 2007

Old News - From the Archives

Some days there is not a lot of credible UFO news, the only news is the internal struggle in Japan with different levels of government talking about UFOs. Not having Japanese cable, we can only assume that there is a lively debate on television, when commentators speculate - even on Godzilla, which is probably just a by-product of talk-show nabobs talking about why their officials are having this discussion. But there are myriad older articles that are thought provoking and of interest. Here is one regarding extraterrestrial life in our own Earth's stratosphere. The crux of the discussion would be - are these organism working there way up from the surface, or less likely drifting downward from the far reaches of space?

Monday, December 24, 2007

UFO Book Reviews - An Overview

The perennial favorite of UFO interest is the written word. Here are some thoughtful comments on a number of written sources, or more specifically books. In the pre-Internet days, these were the glue that kept the UFO community together. The comments that the author makes about the books on this web page are more interesting than many of the books themselves.

Sunday, December 23, 2007

UFOs and the Movies - Article Review

One of the seminal influences and writers of the UFO movement is Brad Steiger. Here is a recent article he wrote for UFO Digest that summarizes the vast history of UFOs in just a few pages - from the early stories and Hollywood movies, to the pervasive influence of shows like the X-Files had on people's thinking about UFOs.

There has been a long history of the interplay between the movies and the UFO movement, starting with the film"The Day the Earth Stood Still". Its early message warning mankind about the unbridled use of powerful weapons that had been newly invented in the early 50's had a powerful impact. The early "saucer cults" that sprouted up in that era were full of contactees messages about just this issue - that humankind should tone down their aggressive tendencies, or that there would be repercussions.

This article is a fascinating summary of these complex and historically diverse influences between the movie makers and characters like George Van Tassel, one of the prototypical participants in the early UFO movement, whose fame spread because of his charisma and stories about what the UFOs were all about.

Saturday, December 22, 2007

U. K. UFO pictures - Spalding, Lincolnshire

United Kingdom is still the king of UFO hotspots. Here is a summary article with picutes from the Evening Telegraph with some reader photos and the teaser title "Evening Telegraph - Opens the X Files - [no dash between the X and the Files is the way they printed it] - it has a few blurry photos of an object in the sky - just a shiny dot really. We should get outside more and look for some shiny dots in the sky - digital cameras and their automatic range finders make for odd sightings. What is needed for sound reporting is something close enough to show some detail and texture. These far away objects tend to be distorted because the digital cameras and video cameras tend to try and autofocus by shifting the lenses back and forth.

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Friday, December 14, 2007

Bolton, U.K. UFO Triangle

Another in a series of United Kingdom sightings - see previous blogs for details. The others were centered around Birmingham. This sighting is Northwest of Birmingham, closer to Manchester. The online paper has 16 comments, and unlike their Southern counterparts who commented that they had seen it as well, the commenters on this article are much more skeptical and sarcastic - chalking it up to possible intoxication or political snipes at the local city government.

Recent Sighting In U.K. in the Bolton News

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Friday, December 7, 2007

Coast-to-Coast Speculation on Photos (Archive)

There is not a lot of news available today of fresh or compelling interest. UFO stories tend to come in clusters, where people look up and tell their neighbors or people call news reporters and suddenly, there is a spike in stories. Then the interest wanes and there is a period of time when things tend to lag. The reasons for this also include a kind of periodicity, which is a topic for another column, since people have speculated and bring meaning to even the timing of sightings.

Recently, there was a large amount of excitement when some new photos were placed on the Coast-To-Coast AM website by a listener. There was a huge reaction among the fans of the show via phone calls, and here are some of their e-mailed comments about the photos that were submitted. As with some other major UFO "flaps" the source of the information and photos was minimal, so the reaction tends to be either skepticism or "how did they do that" to explain the object depicted. In either case, it is something to stretch the mind's boundaries about the limits of knowledge, and how many categories a phenomena can fall into. The comments are indicative of the kind of thinking that goes into evaluating the phenomena. It is instructive for newcomers to review this, since it shows the many ways the same set of photos can be interpreted by a large group of people.

Thursday, December 6, 2007

Eisenhower Story

Some UFO stories are in the category of revisions or re-writes of history. The hunger for UFO news is intense, and there are many stories that revive stories of decades ago, with new speculations and new twists. We have several examples here, as in the February 1942 sighting of an object hovering over Los Angeles. Many older readers will know that this story has gone through an evolution as the Internet has made possible many more people to become familiar with the story and the story has grown from a simple sighting of a celestial object to a full-fledged UFO story.

This story about President Eisenhower in the 1950's seems to follow from a seven page letter to Art Campbell, the story is posted in the Canadian Nation, a publication that often carries UFO news. It in turn links to Art Campbell's site, which has more details about the letter.

Tuesday, December 4, 2007

U. K. Story Spreads to Italy - Triangular UFO

Interesting - the story is sort of smoldering and spreading - here is a reference in an English language Cypriot publication - The Gazette, with an additional reference to a recent Cyprus Sighting. This is the triangular-shaped UFO from a few days ago, that has been dubbed with the brand-name of a well-known potato chip (that would be "crisp" to the Europeans).

Monday, December 3, 2007

Triangle UFO - Halesowen U.K. - More Reports

Third Story abut U. K. UFO - Car dealer expresses his experience. It is described as "three times the size of a football pitch". We checked so you don't have to: that would be 100 yards (size of soccer field) x 3 - it was over 900 feet? That would be an enormous size. 16 comments, some "me-too" spectators who saw it also. A good comment was - what was something so enormous doing over a densely populated area?

Man with Video Camera - no new pictures.

Halesowen: (just a little West of Birmingham)

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Saturday, December 1, 2007

U. K. Triangle UFO - More Comments

A follow up to yesterday's stories with comments by observers. It is described as an orange triangle shaped UFO with three lights. They call it by a brand name of a crisp or as we call it a "potato chip" because of its three sided shape.

Triangle UFO Story - Followup

Since there have been quite a few sightings in the U. K., it might be helpful to pinpoint the locations of some of these sightings.

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