Friday, November 30, 2007

Triangular Craft Photo from U. K.

This is a news report that highlights a triangular craft shaped like a "crisp", or for those of us in the North American side of the Atlantic, a potato chip. It has a slightly blurred photo. People are definitely looking up at the sky in the U. K. the last couple of weeks. There have been several reports, but most of the others are sort of lazy, slow moving lights, as in "Chinese Lanterns" cast adrift to befuddle the masses. People get excited, but they are probably candles inside of some paper that floats from the hot air. Here is one of the stories, also from the U. K.

But this more recent picture, if it is genuine and is not just thrown in by the publishers for some drama, at least shows some kind of definable shape.

Thursday, November 29, 2007

Identified Flying Object near Seattle

Here is a rarity. Report of a UFO that was identified as a jet contrail. Peter Davenport identified the light in the sky as a dissipating jet contrail. Two observers thought it was a UFO, but apparentley did not know what they were looking at. Accompanied by picture.

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Lights in Gloucestshire, U. K.

Editors have been out of town for a while, collecting information for other projects, so there have been no recent postings. We will try and catch up. Here is some recent news about UFOs. It is a "lights in the sky" type of story that seems to catch the journalist's attention, along with some speculation on what they might be. It is a lone witness, a "man-on-the-street".

Friday, November 2, 2007

More Political UFO News & Australian Report

Things have heated up because of the debates. Web pages are perking up to the UFO subject as a kind of follow-on to the Presidential Debate interest in UFOs. Or it could be coincidence. Here is a story in the Sydney Herald. It seems quite extensive, but it is still another historical article, where information from generations back is being re-looked at based on new information. Where is the information coming from? Documents. Where do the documents come from? We can't say. We can't call this a rehash, more of a rewrite using new information. Is it valid? We can't tell. There are names and dates. But who is it that is furnishing it? Phillipe Mora?

The film-maker? The gadget guy? Our heads are hurting - too much information from sources that are long gone. Here's the link to read this fascinating tale of world leaders and secretive government agencies. Here's a little background article that provides some context about the upcoming story:

Alien Life Story from Sydney Herald

And apparently you don't have to wait for the weekend to read the article, it is already online:

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